Jade bought me a Taylor Swift notebook a while back and shortly
before the New Year I started using it as a journal. Looking back at my first entry
sometime December (okay, it was Taylor’s birthday because duh), I wrote
something about feeling a big change coming on in my life soon and while I didn’t
know what was to come, my intuition was feeling that something mayjah was on
its way. At that moment, I thought maybe the big change for 2016 would be a boy,
a new job or breaking four miles on the treadmill, but I was seriously
mistaken. My intuition was preparing me for something far greater. I was
getting ready for:
Many moons ago, the Bachelor was really just a show about
finding love and included moderately-ridiculous dates and slightly
above-average looking humans. This phenomenon we see here today is not what it
once was, much to the chagrin of old schoolists like my mother. “I don’t need
all that dramatic stuff! I want to see him get to know them,” she said to me on
the way to work today during our daily morning face time. I kindly reminded her
that she was the minority in that matter and that most people like the
fighting, love the drama and care very little about the love part until, like,
week 9 when the villain finally gets the boot.
Coming off a season like Kaitlyn’s—with that absurd season
preview where you KNEW she did one of them during the season and then was seen
telling them all on a cozy huddle all about it—it’s hard to imagine what could
occur to top such an ordeal. Enter stage left: Ben, the nicest human on earth,
whose preview for the season got about as juicy as, “Olivia is not who he
thinks she is.” If that’s all they could pull for the preview, which is usually
much more exciting than the actual
season, I shudder to think that Ben might actually not have a dramatic season
at all. He might actually have a season about…love.
Which I’m kind of okay with. This might be the season that
the Bachelor just lets Ben do things his way. He had one brief shirtless scene,
few dramatic staring-off-into-the-distance shots, and not nearly as many puns
as usual. So, in summation, I’m foreseeing that this season is able to top the
others simply for being different and getting back to the roots of this show.
And now, onto the slaughter episode.
Ben first goes to Indiana where some people cheered for him and
then he sat in some Adirondack chairs with his parents and talked about feeling
unlovable. His dad told him he really understood that, so we’re off to a good
supportive start. Also, #realtalk here, I had to google if there were lakes in
Indiana because I had a hard time getting on board with that concept.
Then, not shown on tv, Ben went and got the sides of his
hair faded for absolutely no reason.
The limos arrive and the most notable entrances of course go
to Ben’s skinny tie and Chris Harrison’s black-on-silver ensemble. Well done,
sir. Divorce suits you (see what I did there?).
I have a soft spot for Lauren B. already. She seems genuine
and I appreciate that she took a risk with that dress color in mid-October.
Shoutout to JoJo aka unicorn who seems like she is going to be a favorite of
mine as well as LB who gives off the calm, cool and collected vibe I think he’s
going for. And Caila! Precious angel Caila. When she doesn’t win, I think she’ll
def be a shoe-in for Paradise next summer.
But that’s about as far as my kindness stretches because the
rest of these women are busted. Let’s start with Mandi. Now, those of you who
know me well know you can’t call me Mandy. Some of you refuse my request and do
it anyway, but hopefully you will now understand why I desperately hate to be
called the ‘M’ word. I’m sure there are nice Mandis out there. I even know one
or two. But for every one nice Mandy, there are ten to twelve out there ruining
it for the rest of us and this whack is no exception. Dress was cute, though.

To the girl who made him a save-the-date, pump the brakes on
your crazy train. What part of that seemed like a good idea during the ten
minutes it took to order that from snapfish?
Lauren (XQVHJ?) threw that bouquet at him and immediately
threw away her side-pony chances at love. You and other social media stalker
Lauren can ride Maegen’s tiny pony off into the sunset while she and Jubilee
compare guns in the backyard. But make sure you pick up all of Breanne’s bread from
the driveway first. Somebody better eat it. That right there is a crime.
If I went on the Bachelor, which would be an egregious mistake
on the producer’s part, I would bring Spuds as my offering. Boom! Hometown.
The cocktail party was like, five minutes of this whole
episode but I guess that’s all they needed to show us the crazy to come. My girl Lace is out for blood and make no
mistake about it, it has nothing to do with the chardonnay. That girl is crazy
all on her own. I told you in my preview blog that she was likely under your
beds. I hope you all checked like I suggested.
On more than one occasion,
red velvet sidekick can be seen trying to escape Lace’s talons and failing
miserably. Poor Emma Stone Laura is just trying to get some one-on-one
time with Ben and somehow every time we turn around, she’s been cornered by
Lace in a scene eerily reminiscent of Regina George.
Lace: You look, like, way
better in that dress.
Laura: Wow, thank you.
Lace: So you agree? You
think you look way better in that dress?
Only this time we have two Karen Smiths appearing to us in
the forms of Haley and Emily, the twins. By the grace of god, it appears at
some point that they end up on the 2-on-1 date together and I couldn’t be more
thankful about the prospect of him sending them both home at the same time. I’d
rather hear them cry in unison than have to hear them cry separately.
So by this point, everyone has arrived (smirkface emoji) and
Ben tries to give the usual “Here’s to a good night” speech but is thwarted by
Mandi who is, like, really concerned about his gums. The pinball game begins as
lady after lady steals Ben away to tell him how down-to-earth and normal she is
when—ding dong—here comes Becca and Amber to ruin their day. Okay, actually
just Becca. The room immediately fills with outcries of fairness about how
Becca got her chance and blew it. Um, if anyone deserves a pass on this one, it’s
her. Because farmer Chris.
After some nice chit chat laser beam death eyes from
the other ladies, Becca finds Ben who is being bored to death by Lauren
(JTFCB?) in a quiet room somewhere. Ben is excited to see her, but nowhere near
as excited as this Lauren chick who fangirls out a little over Becca and gets
up and bows out gracefully before she is even asked.
Lauren (NPEKL?): Aw,
fuck this, I can’t compete with that.
Let me go get some of those toquitos before they’re all gone.
They talk briefly, probably about the new carpets in the
mansion this season, when Amber arrives and Becca pretty much has to introduce
Ben to her because he sure as hell didn’t know who she was. They both end up
with roses, though, which seems like the logical thing to do since he gave the
twins roses, too.
Later, Lace tries to make out with Ben and while he is
politely telling her why that’s not really his plan for night one, Mandi swoops
in again just to check on his molars. I never thought I’d be saying this, but
god bless Mandi. Lace is obviously pissed about getting denied, but what is
worse is that Ben felt bad about it
afterwards. He is such a gentlemen that he goes back to apologize for not being able to explain himself better. This man is
perfect. But, in the future, let’s use that charm on somebody worthy.
Counselor time:
Lace has two sides; lust and bitch. She uses her looks to get what she wants,
and when she doesn’t get it, she turns into a bitch. Plain and simple, this is
deeply rooted in a self-confidence issue and or a childhood of being spoiled
and never told no. Also, please open your mouth when you speak. It’s really
hard to hear you with your jaw clenched shut.
The rose ceremony sends home Laura, who is probably pretty
happy to be getting away from Lace, Izzy in the onesie, Lauren #3, bread-smashing
Breanne, Maegen (but not her pony), chicken-loving Tiara (Sheila will be happy
to see you), and Jessica. Yeah, me neither. I had to look it up.

Immediately, Lace pulls Ben aside to talk about how
incredibly rude it was that he didn’t look at her specifically during the rose
ceremony. Ben double-checks that she indeed is upset about eye-contact and
reminds her that there are 20 other women here and probably runs off to check with
the camera guy to see if he can rescind her rose. Not until next week, Ben.
They didn’t really show Amanda or JoJo or LB much this
episode, which is a great sign for things to come. I also am adding Lauren B.
into my top 5 because right now she is a shining beacon of blonde light amongst
brunettes. Caila snags my coveted fifth spot, but I’m sticking Rachel on as my
dark horse. Also, I don’t really care about Olivia because she looks like a
dinosaur and apparently turns out to be an assailing beach monster later on
this season. The center part is aggressive, make no mistake.
So, what do we think? Until next time…
p.s. I will be in Italy for the next two episodes, so hang
tight until I get back. I swear I won't forget about you and your needs.
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