How inconsiderate.
But THEN I remembered that I’d been talking to this guy online and
really seemed to be vibing but hadn’t heard from him all day and needed to alert
my friends in a group chat that we would NOT be hosting a June wedding as I had
So, what I’m saying is that I was stiff, tired, still kinda
hungry and annoyed at boys so full disclosure: this installation of the blog
may be a hot damn mess because I was thoroughly distracted during the entire
episode and my notes are all over the place.
We pick up right where we left off, in the aftermath of Nick
telling the ladies about Liz and her vagina departure. Some of them seem
to care, but others seem to be realistic about the fact that a smexy
35-year-old man had a one night stand one time. Nbd.
Now it’s time for the rose ceremony we were deprived of last
week and the same question is on everyone’s mind: what is this floral tie and
where is the nearest dumpster?
He’s totes using his one-on-one time at the cocktail party to gauge
the ladies’ reactions to the Liz situation to see if we have any stage-5
clingers ready to freak. Nobody really does, disappointingly. Danielle probably handles it the best out of
everybody, but it totally doesn’t matter because Nick can't have a conversation
with her because he’s clearly very very attracted to her personality.
I wonder if the producers of this show lay in bed at night and
think of horrible, embarrassing things to suggest to the contestants. Like
whichever producers are working with Corrine definitely were laying there thinking,
“Let’s get this bitch a trench coat and see what she does.”
She got naked, duh? She literally doesn’t know how to do
anything else, you guys. Luckily, the whipped cream debacle knocked her down a
few pegs when Nick didn’t immediately mount her in the driveway. She went
upstairs to cry in the bathroom with Jenny Ashley Kelly
whatever and nobody cared. She then proceeded to nap through the rose ceremony.
Side note: If you don’t read Chris Harrison’s blog on yahoo, you
should. He sometimes has fun behind-the-scenes info to share. HOWEVER, this
week he made the fateful mistake of commenting on Corrine’s behavior saying, “You’ll
see her differently in a few weeks.”
A FEW WEEKS? I don’t think America can last that long.
This backstreet boys date is what dreams are made of. I would
have killed to go on this date. Not as a contestant, just as a backup dancer.

I know I mentioned this casually before, but I’m not sure how I’m
feeling about Taylor. Something about her seems annoying, immature and then a
little more annoying. She also looked about twelve during this date so.
Nobody puts Corrine in the corner besides Corrine who put
herself there so she could pout and stare awkwardly at the other women
practicing. Then she runs in the bathroom to cry again.
Corrine: My confidence
is rubbing off on the other girls and I’m falling to the back!
Whitney: I’m just
trying to pee. Stop blocking the stall.
Danielle “wins” the group date challenge which is really like
losing because now she has to middle-school-slow-dance with Nick in front of
everybody. At least she got the group date rose, too.
Ahh…Vanessa. I wish I liked her. I know everybody likes
her. She’s a special ed teacher. She gives it to him straight. She’s not
overbearing or oversexualized. I get it, okay?
Still not into it.
I really thought this was a strange but cool date concept. Nick
and Vanessa and their matching livestrong bracelets climb aboard the zero
gravity plane and I was sort of enjoying watching them float around and kiss as
if underwater until….

Their dinner date isn’t much better, IMO. Nick is crying (still
not sure why) and Vanessa pretends she forgot she was on this show.
"I forgot about the rose!" Um, did you? Or did you
juuuuuuust tell the story about your grandfather’s funeral and all the red
roses that were present.
Fair warning: If Vanessa loses and she's the bachelorette it's
gonna be rough guys.
Second group date highlights include Rachel crushing the fake
diamond ring and Astrid winning the athletic challenge somehow and there being
a jacuzzi on the track. Rachel gets the group date rose and somebody named
Dominique is mad Nick doesn’t know who she is and gets sent home for yelling at
him on his own show.
No cocktail party this week, ladies! Instead, let’s have a pool
party and NOT swim in the pool. In fact, let’s instead jump in a bouncy castle with
Corrine and make everybody else insanely pissed, specifically Vanessa who airs
Nick out about being a total slore.
Vanessa: You tryin’ to
have kids or you tryin’ to bone?
Nick: ABC told me I
had to keep her….
No rose ceremony. Shocking! I’m sure Corrine will get a rose
this week (thanks, Chris Harrison) and I’m also sure I won’t be going to zumba
ever again.