Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Bachelorette JoJo- Week 2

The Bachelorette is wasting no time this season in getting things fired up. It’s week 2 and ladies and gentlemen, we have ourselves a villain. Sometimes I think people get a bad edit on this show or are misunderstood. That is not what I think about Chad. I think Chad is as arrogant and blunt as he comes off. And you know what? He doesn’t care. And, to add insult to injury, now he has himself a hype man in the form of Canadian Daniel. “Imma let you finish, but Chad makes one of the best protein shakes of all time!”

But before we get into all things Chad, we have to go through the first group date. Here comes Chris Harrison with the date card and I have to ask myself exactly what is the season? Some guys are in tank tops, some have beanies on, some even are sporting leather jackets. Pick a climate.

The lucky few on the group date are chosen and Chad deems them the B-team. Not exactly wrong in my eyes, Chad. I think these were the ones she wasn’t sure about after night one and wanted to learn more about. They leave on the firefighting date and Chad is talking about how he used to sell cars.

It's all starting to make sense. 

Normally on this show, somebody with a guitar or weird talent gets ostracized, but in this scenario James Taylor is the absolute man. They are actually sitting around writing songs about a girl they are all trying to date like it’s totally normal. Brooding Chad and his head-to-toe black ensemble are off eating lunchmeat somewhere, probably scowling.

Robbie looks like a sailboat-owning douche. Amiright?

This fire date is no joke. Poor Wells is the size of a toothpick and has no business holding an axe let alone participating in this experience. I wish we could’ve seen more of the guys participate and less of Wells’ near-death experience.

Oh the firefighter won the firefighting date? Cool. 

Did anybody else notice when they cheersed on the group date and somebody had water? Hopefully it was Daniel. 

Evan: “I'm the only guy here who actually has kids.”  That actually IS amazing. So many opportunities for a hot dad. And yet…

I have a serious question. Is Luke cute? I really can't tell. In some shots he’s dreamy and in others (see also his ABC headshot) he looks like he may date his cousin. What do we think? He’s obviously romantic and athletic and owns a leather jacket so he’s off to a good start. JoJo seems to like it, and they make out on a rooftop for at least 4 minutes before returning to the group where JoJo gives the group date rose to…Wells.

And nobody is more surprised than Wells.

Now it’s time for the date with John Krasinkski a.k.a. Derek. Derek seemed nervous but sweet in the first episode but quickly he’s fallen from grace in my opinion. I think he’s just really nice and soft-spoken and a gentlemen but also really, incredibly boring. JoJo gave him the option of dressed up or dressed down and he picked dressed down. Ew. They decide to stay dressed down for the afternoon portion of the date and then somehow he didn’t get the memo about being dressed up for the night portion. She shows up looking like a disco ball and he looks like he’s off to cheer on Princeton at the regatta.

JoJo: Tell me about your last relationship.
Derek: Gosh this is so hard because I haven't told anybody about this...besides the producers.  

I'm not belittling his experience—cheating is a serious matter—but I find him to be about as exciting as my bimonthly staff meetings. Whatever, he gets the rose because it’s week two. "I'll never forget tonight." 

...Well that makes one of us.  

Next group date.  Let’s take the firefighter to a firefighter date and let’s take Aaron Rodgers’ brother to ESPN. Makes total sense. The guys have to do a series of goofy things like make up a touchdown dance, propose to JoJo and, of course, participate in dizzy bat. What determines love? Dizzy bat determines love. 

Chad is having none of it and is complaining incessantly in his off-screen interview. He thinks everyone is stupid and taking this experience as a joke. P.S. whichever producer gets to work with Chad during this season is one lucky duck. If they get bonuses for airtime, cha-ching.

Also if my phone could stop autocorrecting Jojo to Joni that'd be great.

James Taylor wins the challenge and gets…um….extra time at the cocktail party with her? I’m not really sure that anybody who “won” a date this week got anything special besides a death stare and some hateful words from Chad, but then again that’s kind of the gift with purchase of this season.

During his one-on-one time, James Taylor reads a poem he wrote for JoJo and tells her that he knows he’s not the most attractive guy there but has a big heart. Aww, James. How self-deprecating and relatable.

I LOVE that Jordan is bros with most of the guys. Every time they cut to a shot of him he’s laughing or goofing off with one of them. He also put up an Instagram yesterday that said, “20+ guys vying for one girl…doesn’t mean you can’t make a few friends along the way.” I’ve been saying this for years! The Bachelor/Bachelorette is like Bumble BFF before it was a thing.

Chad has some one-on-one time with JoJo which they use to discuss Chad calling her naggy on their not-even first date. Somehow, it gets turned around onto JoJo and Chad reassured her that there’s no confusion and he knows she wasn’t’ trying to be mean. Um….what?

JoJo: Why was your last relationship 4 years ago?
Chad: Because I was making that money, honey.

Chad, are you financially ready for a relationship? I’m not sure because you haven’t mentioned it yet.


Jordan: What if Chad gets the rose?
James Taylor: I'd have to rethink my whole life.

Not today, JT, because YOU get the rose! Four for you, Glen Coco!

Now it’s time for the cocktail party and Chad is waiting outside to intercept JoJo. If ANY of the other guys had done this, America would’ve been swooning uncontrollably. But it was Chad so. Oh, and Chad took this opportunity to diss Greek life. Boy BYE.

Also JoJo stop saying thanks every time somebody kisses you. It’s weird.

I was all about team Alex last week but now I have to cut him loose. Why Are you getting involved? Who actually cares if he was sitting outside waiting for her to show up. You’re just mad you didn’t think of it first.  Do you watch this show? Snitches go HOME. DO NOT TELL HER.

Guys, I don’t know who Chase is but I’m into it. He’s a cutie AND he made his own date this week AND he said winter is his favorite AND he made snow for her. Cute and resourceful. I can’t put my finger on it but there’s something about him that I like. Maybe it’s because he reminds me of my friend Brandon. Brandon, I know you’re reading this so HEY.

The night basically revolves around JoJo talking to one or two of the guys before Chad butts in. He’s making a habit of it the more he sees it bothers Alex the Marine. He probably interrupted her 4 times to have meaningless conversations.

JoJo: So are you happy to be here?
Chad: Yes, I came home yesterday from our date and I was thinking about you which is unusual for me to think of anybody else.

In the end, hipster Brandon, weird-kiss-Will and bachelor superfan James go home. I’m a little upset about James, because he was kind of my favorite.


Chad: I'm just gonna keep drinking protein shakes, working out and eating food.

Same, Chad. Same.

Until next time….



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